Since we began in 1987, every session of Camp Erutan has had in attendance a few magically wise, gifted children. Some for a reason, some for a season and some who are still a part of the Camp Erutan family.

Our hope has always been to one day pass the Camp Erutan torch to a former camper willing to continue what we created but while we have former campers, now adults, who are always there to lend a helping hand whenever asked, we do not have anyone able to volunteer the time and energy needed to coordinate, set up and run each session of camp. Sadly, at the moment, setting up and running camp in addition to sleeping on the ground, is a physical challenge and we are not sure what Camp Erutan will look like in the future.
Most importantly, we are still committed to helping all current and former campers who are interested in helping themselves. For the past 35 years, even when camp is not in session, we have made ourselves available to campers, their guardians and caregivers via phone, zoom and email, mentoring, coaching and providing scholarships to help them continue moving forward in their lives in a positive way. During the past 2 years, we also paid for some of our repeat campers to attend other camps when Camp Erutan was unable to offer any camp sessions due to covid. Opportunities to help new kids also continue to present themselves, most recently to sponsor local, under-represented Chumash students to attend camp on the central coast of California, aiming to connect them with nature and to give them tools to help protect our planet.
We’ve stayed a constant in our campers’ lives, most who have no family to depend on, and that aspect of Camp Erutan will continue for as long as we are able. None of this would be possible without you and we are deeply grateful for all of your support now and through the years.
Wishing you and your loved ones a happy and healthy holiday season, and all the best in 2023.
With heartfelt appreciation,
Lisa Tanzman and Elaine Mermelstein